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InfoQ Homepage Presentations How I Became a Tester! Breaking Silos within Cross-Functional Teams

How I Became a Tester! Breaking Silos within Cross-Functional Teams



Almudena Rodriguez Pardo shows how spreading skills among Scrum team members nurtured a learning culture, broke the traditional silos of expertise, and increased the efficiency of the teams.


Almudena Rodriguez Pardo is a partner at the international company Rodriguez Pardo & Assocs, working as Business Agility Consultant and Agile expert supporting organizations worldwide in their way to Agility and DevOps deployment.

About the conference

While most conferences nowadays are just a series of pre-recorded or live streams cast to thousands, we are using the tooling you already use (Zoom, Slack) to foster a camera-on (if you want), fully engaging LIVE experience. Because we believe the only way to make it through 2020 is with the Power of Community.

Recorded at:

Jan 10, 2021

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