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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Scaling Stack Overflow: Keeping it Vertical by Obsessing Over Performance

Scaling Stack Overflow: Keeping it Vertical by Obsessing Over Performance



David Fullerton shares some of the things the Stack Exchange tech team have learned along the way while scaling one of the top sites in the world primarily through vertical scaling.


David Fullerton is the developer-turned-manager responsible for all software development and system administration at Stack Exchange. David joined Stack Exchange, Inc. from Fog Creek Software, where he worked briefly as the developer lead for Stack Exchange 1.0 and as a developer on the FogBugz team. He has a B.A. in Computer Science from Dartmouth College.

About the conference

Software is Changing the World. QCon empowers software development by facilitating the spread of knowledge and innovation in the developer community. A practitioner-driven conference, QCon is designed for technical team leads, architects, engineering directors, and project managers who influence innovation in their teams.

Recorded at:

Oct 18, 2015

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Community comments

  • Stackoverflow architecture

    by Pavel Maltsev,

    Your message is awaiting moderation. Thank you for participating in the discussion.

    Very interesting presentation! I was sure, that the "Related topics" feature on stackoverflow lives in a separate (micro)service, but it turns out not the case.

  • no HTML5 player still?

    by Henry Ho,

    Your message is awaiting moderation. Thank you for participating in the discussion.

    I don't have Flash anymore.

  • Re: no HTML5 player still?

    by Roxana Bacila,

    Your message is awaiting moderation. Thank you for participating in the discussion.

    Hi Henry,
    HTML5 is currently available for mobile devices only, but we are working on implementing this solution for desktop too and it will become available soon.
    Best regards,
    Roxana Bacila
    Community Contributions Facilitator
    InfoQ Enterprise Software Development Community

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