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  • Accelerate Your Growth and Build Better-Connected Teams at QCon San Francisco Oct 24-28, 2022

    Teams attend QCon to get together, get answers to technical challenges, and get clarity on software decisions, workflows, and roadmaps. QCon San Francisco (Oct 24-28), powered by InfoQ, brings together the world's most innovative senior software engineers, architects, and team leads across multiple domains to share their real-world implementation of emerging trends and practices.

  • How Organisational Culture and Psychological Safety Fosters Our Creativity

    Organisations need to create the right conditions and culture for creativity to flourish so as to stay relevant, compete and thrive for the future. An addiction to burnout and fixation on productivity can stifle creativity. What’s needed is psychological safety, inclusion, experimentation, growth mindsets and allowing thinking time.

  • Examining the Value of Agile Certifications

    Ben Linders has recently authored several blog posts examining the benefits of living by the principles and behaviours of Agility over pursuing certifications or adopting frameworks. Knowledge Hut’s recent survey of Agile certifications indicated that those with a greater focus on work-based experience tend to correlate with higher earnings. We report on recent thinking around certifications.

  • Enabling Individual Growth for Business Value at Tangible

    When a company starts to grow, working together is not enough for new people to learn the culture. For competence growth and for developing their culture, Tangible organizes workshops, internal days of knowledge exchange, hosted events and training, and evening activities, and assigns mentors for new people. This helps them to align individual values and intentions with the corporate vision.

  • Happy Cultures and How They Grow High Performers

    ITV's Tom Clark spoke at DOXLON in February, proposing the hypothesis that high performance is a side-effect of creating happy teams. Andy Flemming, contributor to Deliberately Developmental Organization, also recently spoke about how to reap business and strategic benefits by creating a culture with an intentional focus on transparency, and the learning, growth and happiness of individuals.

  • The Spotify Model is No "Agile Nirvana"

    At Spotify, management and the way the organization works support teams and agile practices by growing people. But Spotify isn’t an “Agile Nirvana”, it’s hard to reach high performance with teams that are constantly growing, changing, and splitting into new teams.

  • QCon New York – Optimizing Yourself Track

    Day 3 of QCon New York had a track focused on how individuals can build non-technical competencies. Titled Optimizing Yourself, the track had five talks covering a wide range of personal skills from empathy to communication, remaining relevant as an older person in tech, deep listening and working remotely.

  • Testing Challenges and Essential Skills for Testers

    Complex AI systems with non-deterministic outcomes pose challenges for testers and programmers. Such systems will increasingly become normal in high-impact, high-risk applications, argues Fiona Charles; testers should increase their capacity for thinking and learning and develop a number of personal strengths such as courage and good judgement.

  • Dealing with the Impostor Syndrome

    The impostor syndrome refers to people who fear being exposed as a "fraud". They think that they do not belong where they are, don't deserve the success they have achieved, and are not as smart as other people think. According to Agile Coach Gitte Klitgaard, many high-achieving people suffer from the impostor syndrome. It hinders people in their work and stops them from following their dreams.

  • Neuro-diversity in the Work Place

    Dr. Sallyann Freudenberg talked about neuro-diversity in the work place at QCon London. Programming is a complex creative task, and Freudenberg explored a number of the techniques that programmers in general use to help them achieve it.